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🍂October Parent Meeting 🍂

Part 2: New exciting opportunity!
(Please watch below and then scroll down to review more details.) 

STEAM Preschool - Fort Davis ISD Partnership Opportunity!

Dear Parents,

I am thrilled to share an exciting development that promises to enrich the educational experience we provide at STEAM Preschool. I was recently contacted by Graydon Hicks, Superintendent at Fort Davis ISD, who introduced a wonderful opportunity to engage in a public-private partnership, in accordance with the Texas Education Agency's initiative for prekindergarten programs. 


Here are a few key benefits that our school and children will derive from this partnership:

  • Additional Funding: By participating in this program, we will unlock funding which will be directly invested in enhancing our educational opportunities and facilities.

  • Community Collaboration: We'll open avenues for communication and collaboration across the local early childhood community, further enriching our resource pool, and shared professional development for our teachers.

What does this mean for your child?

Your child’s day-to-day experience at STEAM Preschool will remain as engaging and nurturing as ever. There will be no changes in the structure, staff, or ethos that makes our preschool the wonderful environment it is. If you would like to participate, your child would be enrolled at FDISD on paper only, yet nothing else changes. As a partner, your child would continue school as usual at STEAM Preschool!

What do we need from you?

There will be a registration form for you to complete to ensure our school can participate in and benefit from this program. Rest assured, this is purely administrative and will not impact the warm and enriching environment we provide for your child.

We understand that new developments, especially those involving administrative adjustments, might raise questions or concerns. We assure you that our commitment to your child’s happiness, safety, and growth remains paramount. Please review the FAQ's below and complete the survey which includes an opportunity for you to ask questions. 

Your partnership has always been crucial to us, and we’re excited about the enhanced opportunities this collaboration will bring to STEAM Preschool and, more importantly, to our young learners.

Thank you for your continued support and trust. Together, we are shaping a bright and promising future for our children.

Warm regards,

Ms. Rita and Team STEAM!


🚨🚨🚨IMPORTANT - Please complete the Parent Survey form! 🚨🚨🚨

Please allow a few seconds for page to load!

fdisd site partnership.png


1. What is the purpose of this partnership?
The partnership aims to enhance our educational offerings by collaborating with a Texas school district (Fort Davis ISD), providing additional funding and resource optimization for the benefit of our students without the need to raise tuition.

2. Who can participate?

All our students who turned 3 on or before September 1st, 2023 is encouraged to complete the registration forms. (If your child is in Toddler Time or not 3 on or before September 1st, 2023, they may be able to participate in the next school year.) 

3. How will the partnership impact the school's operations?
The partnership will bring additional resources, but everything you enjoy about our privately run preschool remains the same!

4. Will my child’s school location change?
There will be no change to our school’s location.

5. Will there be any changes to the school’s staff or teachers?
Your child’s teachers and staff will remain the same.

6. How will this partnership impact my child's daily routine and experience?
Your child's daily routine, environment, and experiences at our school will continue as usual!

7. Will classroom sizes increase?

8. What additional paperwork will parents need to complete?
Parents will be requested to complete minimal additional paperwork such as a short registration form and student information sheet, which is an administrative requirement for the partnership.

9. Will the curriculum change?
Our educational program will stay the same, however we will be able to invest in more resources. These funds will not dictate or change any part of our curriculum.

10. Will there be any change in monthly fees as a result of this partnership?
Tuition will remain the same.  

11. How will the additional funding be utilized?
Additional funds will be strategically utilized to enhance our educational programs and facilities. Our goals are to enhance playgrounds, technology, and staff professional development and education opportunities.

12. Will there be a change in school hours or term dates?
Everything remains the same! No change in school schedule. Our attendance policy will not be impacted by this partnership. As always, we ask parents to simply message us when you are on vacation or your child will be absent so we know all is well! 

13. Is this partnership a short-term collaboration or a long-term engagement?
The partnership contract is on a year-to-year basis.
 After graduation in May, should you decide to enroll in public school, the process will be streamlined. FDISD can forward your child's record to your new school! 


©STEAM Preschool & Kindergarten 202 All Rights Reserved

Contact us: rita@steampreschool | 915.900.PREK | WORK WITH US!
1724 Weston Brent Ln Ste. B El Paso, TX 79935

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